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Colin wrote,
>>First off: what does CAR stand for?
>******* Canadian Army Registration number.
>****** Example of an M38CDN I drove in the Seaforths ... 52-30934
>52 = Year of delivery to Cdn Army.
>30,000 range = 1/4 ton (40,000 range = 3/4 ton; 50,000 range = 2-1/2 ton;
>70,000 range = trailers etc.
>***** The dash ( - ) between the first two numbers (year) and the rest of
>the number was sometimes painted as a dash or as a period since stencil sets
>usually did not have a dash.............
Do you have any info on CAR for CDN Ferrets?
By careful sanding on the front (over the driver's hatch) of my
Canadian Fieldmouse Mk-1, I found the number 54-82520 in silver paint.
This number is original as it was over the first coat of Bronze Green
paint. I know that the first digits are the year ie. 1954. Can you shed
some light on the rest? Inside on the right side top of the hull is a
small plate tack welded on with the following;
326. B. 3. 4. stamped in it. Another CDN Mk-1 near me has the
same type of number plate. On the out sides of the hull just behind the
driver's side hatches is a crest with the motto "Combat Arms School". Was
this the school at Camp Borden, Ont.? Any other places to look on a CDN
Ferret for unit markings etc.?
Jim Gilmore MVPA # 5843
Member Ist Michigan AOD Chapter MVPA
Great Lakes Chapter MVPA
Ohio Motor Pool Chapter MVPA
Red Ball Chapter MVPA
Ontario Military Vehicle Association
Midwest Military Vehicle Assocation
2656 Wiethoff, Inkster, Mi. 48141
313-561-8826 voice 313-730-1652 fax
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