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JeepBoy350@aol.com wrote:
> Here is what I did on my Humvee, I used the center bolt on footman loop on
> the tailgate.
I don't remember seeing those on my truck. I'll have to look for them
next time I work on it (it's currently a 40 minute drive away from
home). Last night, I noticed that there are a couple of existing bolts
on the bottom edge of the left rear corner of the body. That might be
another good place to hang a license plate bracket without drilling
holes. Maybe I could make some sort of hinged bracket, so that I could
fold the license plate up to make it fairly inconspicuous at shows,
but deploy it for on-road driving. Just a half-formed idea...
> On my 2.5 ton I put the plate on the left rear metal mud guard. I
> don't remember if I had to drill the holes but, it works great.
That's what I figured I might do. Another list member suggested
extending a 1" steel strap out horizontally from the tail light bolts,
and hanging the license plate on it. That sounds like another easy
no-new-holes way to mount the plate.
By the way, I managed to get my ailing fuel injection pump out of my
HMMWV last night. Between last night and Saturday, it took me about
eight hours to get the old one out! I'll start installing the new one
later this week... I hope installing it is easier than removing it
-- Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <mblair1@home.net> PGP 2.6.2 public key available from http://pgp.ai.mit.edu/ Web page: http://www.qsl.net/ke6myk/ DO NOT SEND ANY UNSOLICITED COMMERCIAL EMAIL TO THIS SITE
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