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This discussion reminds me of a question I've been wanting to ask about
the fuel pump. I have 5 or 6 AC fuel pumps - some with glass bowls and
some with metal bowls - from the various GPW engines I have lying around.
However, they are all replacement pumps as they have no priming lever. Is
there a way to install a priming lever on one of these pumps? Will it
require extra hoiles to be drilled, etc.? A rebuilt pump with lever is
somewhat costly, while a rebuild kit costs only $20-25. Besides the cost
factor, I would hate to
not be able to utilize one
of these 5 pumps in my restoration. Just seems like a waste.
Michael T. Meister, E.I.T.
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
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