MB/GPW vapor lock

From: southernviking@xtra.co.nz
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 11:14:39 PST

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In New Zealand a few years ago, we had a jeep rally on a very hot day at
some altitude, the poor little things got that way that they would
scarcely move with vaporlocking. The temporary cure was to wrap paper
towels over the fuel pump and soak them with water. The fan draught over
the damp towel kept them going for some time. I have spent much time
with this problem since that day and I have found that our new unleaded
fuel has a lower vaporizing point than the previous fuel. Fuel pumps
must be up to spec, even slightly higher than spec pressure will help.
The fuel pump seems to be the main source of trouble if there is a jeep
that is worse than the others in the flock.
  Adding an electric pump that operated with the AC pump seemed to make
matters worse, the pumps got so hot that the fuel was vaporizing in the
electric pump and it ran dry.
The real way of dealing with the problem is as the previous posting
said, to add a small return line back to the tank, so that the fuel
continually circulates.
 My neighbour, a mechanic with our guys in Egypt during WW2 said that
this problem was bad with their jeeps there, they used to slice an
orange (always plentiful) and after slitting the slices, they put them
over the fuel lines around the pump. This would last through the hot
time of the day. The military tried to fix this problem offcourse in
later jeeps by redirecting the fuel line and shifting the filter to the
tank. Al

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