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I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Jim Webster in
the UK for his devotion to our hobby and to more specifically the
Ferret. I am very thank full for his being the webmaster for the site
and all the effort he puts into it, I would urge those who own a Ferret
to supply info as they see fit.
I would also like to thank Doug Greville on Australia for his work on
the Ferret side with new material being loaded on his site aswell, it is
so very good of you guys to do this for us.
I would also like to thank anyone else who has contributed to either
Doug or Jim's sites as it is so good to see more info surfacing that is
beneficial to all of us.
In closing, I have to say the piece de resistance is the picture of my
vehicle in use in NI caps it all for me, thanks Jim W. and also a thanks
to the GHOST for his help too, he doesn't like public accolades you
Robin Happy like a P.I.S.
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