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have you all forgotten that the reenactment in question is NOT an MVPA
just food for thought while your all up on your soap boxes.
i guess we will have to police all ex military vehicle use while in
private hands now.
CVRFOX@aol.com wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> John,
> The list you published is an excellent idea. Thanks for expanding on the
> subject. As we both said, regardless of what actually occured in PA, this is
> a very important topic and I'm interested in hearing any and all comments.
> If this is not one of the major reasons for the existence of our MVPA, what
> is?
> Alan
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-- JEFF HAIN-MATSON FRONT LINE MILITARY VEHICLES WEB SITE: www.flmv.net WRIGHTSVILLE PA 717-252-4489 VOICE 717-252-4499 FAX flmv@netrax.net E-MAIL MVPA #1833 IMPS #1726 MVT #9362
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