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I am kicking around an idea and I wanted to get some feed back before it goes
any further. I would like to produce a television documentary, incorporating
several of our larger mil-veh events to be run as a single episode.
FYI: Presently I am working on my first local PBS series. It's just
started and we have 15... 1/2 hour episodes to complete. I will be involved
in most of the filming, but I should have plenty of down time to get another
project going too.
Anyway...what do you think about this concept and what events would you like
to see incorporated... if it's a go? This involves a fair amount of time,
travel and money, so your input may determine if I start making contacts for
filming or not. Thanks in advance your help.
Next item: Bill Benson wrote....."perhaps a hip pocket publication outlining
common safety practices (ground guides, wheel-chocks, fire-extinguishers,
etc.) given to every MVPA member that requests it. "
I like the idea of the MVPA publishing a mil-veh safety reference booklet and
I will bet our insurance carrier will too, they might even pay for it, if we
asked. This is good PR and has a real benefit too.
Please feel free to send me any questions or comments about the documentary.
Jack Lee (Sunny California)
Ferret Mk 2/3
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