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Hi Everybody!
I just wanted to thank everyone who replied to my questions, all your
replies were MOST helpful!
Next, Someone mentioned that there was a DRMO auction in Crain, IN
soon -- can anyone give a more specific date- I don't remember if DRMO gave
a date or not (the part I was able to find)? Thanks on that
This brings me to my next part-- I feel that I must mention something
that I didn't in my first message (possibly the BIGGEST limiting factor),
and that is that I'm 18, though as I mentioned before, I never leap until
AFTER I've researched what I'm about to get into to the fullest extent
Now, that said, I am wondering what kind of licensing problems I'm going
to run into (not to mention titling, though I note there are services for
that problem...) And, if I get a non-running/trustworthy truck from DRMO how
am I supposed to get the monster home? Or, better put, what is the safest
cheapest best way to get it to my storage location? Thanks on any info on
that one...
Main part-- I'm starting prelims with a group of friends, who
interestingly enough have almost all the skills I lack (and I have some they
lack) - welding, mechanics etc. are their skills, while I'm good with
electronics, painting and logistics... anyhow, I digress-- the idea is, we
pool all our monies together, get a fairly inexpensive (but workable) truck
from DRMO, Haul it to a friends Barn (Combine was just sold, so there's
definitely room) fix up the truck, and I mean get it into brand-spankin new
condition and then sell it and split the profits amongst ourselves, and as a
MAJOR part of the deal convoy that baby down to KC (will be getting MVPA
membership within next month or so), which sounds SO COOL!!!
Going on the general idea of above, is there any info we should know that
wasn't covered in the replies to my earlier questions?
Moving on, my question to Mrs. Hank- I must have missed it somehow, but
what is your BGT again? Thanks...
Oh, there wouldn't happen to be any owners of M-35's in the South and
West of Chicago area would there? 'Prolly not, but it was a thought...
I think I'll wait and see what the replies I get turn out to be before I ask
any other questions, incase they turn out to be redundant--
Once again, thanks SO much for ALL your help!!!!
Jason Barron (wish I had an MVPA already)
Duce's are SO cool
Half tracks are neat too!
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