Re: [MV] Bubble balancer for MV wheels?

Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 05:23:39 PST

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I have the J.C. Whitney $190.00 model. I had to make an adapter to handle my Dodge W300 8 lug dual wheels. I suspect you would have to do the same for your HMMWV wheels. I am not sure the balancer would handle a 200# wheel very well. The balancer is well built and I have had it for at least 10 years without the slightest problem. I could not open the Harbor Freight site to look at their balancer. If you want, I can measure the balancer for the maximum diameter wheel hole it can handle without an adapter.

Dave Fillman
45 MB

 ---- you wrote:
> Ok, being the stubborn, independent, hard-headed guy that I am, I have
> decided that I want to service my own 8-bolt M998 HMMWV wheels. but I also want to get my hands on a suitable
> inexpensive bubble balancer so I can balance the wheels myself.
> I've found bubble balancers in on-line catalogs from various sources,
> including Harbor Freight, J.C. Whitney, etc. Most of them seem to have
> identical-looking units, with prices ranging from $70 to $220 (?!).
> J.C. Whitney also carries a second model. None of the descriptions I
> have seen tell me enough to figure out whether the balancers will be
> compatible with my HMMWV wheels' weight, hub hole diameter or bolt
> pattern.
> The $70 Harbor Freight one can be seen at:
> J.C. Whitney carries two models, the first one appearing identical to
> the Harbor Freight one, but selling for $190, and the second one
> selling for $70:
> I've seen ones which appear identical to the Harbor Freight balancer
> at one or two other places, selling for around $200. NAPA also sells
> one for around $220. I haven't seen the one they currently offer, but
> I've seen a picture of an older NAPA bubble balancer in an Ebay
> auction a while back, and it appeared identical to the Harbor Freight
> model.
> Does anybody know from personal experience whether any of the units I
> mentioned are compatible with my HMMWV wheels? In addition, would any
> of them be compatible with the 200-pound 9.00x20 wheels on my 2.5-ton?
> Are any adapters necessary for either wheel? Will the cheapoid Harbor
> Freight model's high-tech aluminium-Bakelite alloy crumble to dust
> after a few of those heavy wheels have visited?

> Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <>
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