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I can appreciate the opinion that light guided missile units and manuver warfare
tactics render the tracked main battle tank as obsolete, but I would like to
point out that when the rules of engagement ALLOW for the full use of MBTs, they
are more than effective against lighter opposition.
Successfully used in conjunction with mounted infantry and an effective
air/ground team, they do provide a hefty punch, provided that the force
commander is allowed to use them. This also presumes that whatever civilian
leaders requested their deployment want to win the war...
Oh, I'm sorry, was that peckish?
On the other hand, remove any one of the MBT support infrastructure (infantry
support or air support), and some litttle green amphibious monster like me, or
my land-bound counterparts in the Army, are gonna slap a few TOW-2Bs upside some
turrets from our Humm-Vees, with gleeful abandon. (Contact me off line for
details of how this works, if you're really interested.)
The tactics that call for the use of MBTs do work... But you have to do it
right, with the intent to win.
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