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I am looking for a couple of the seat springs for an open cab CCKW. These are different than the closed cab. The closed cab seat being a bench seat all the way across the cab. the open cab seats are a 50/50 seat. Not like on the M-series trucks.
I am also looking for parts for a Scout Car. I am looking for any or all rear armor or flooring for the rear. I know that Al and Gary have repro stuff, but I would like to try to find the origianl stuff. I can buy repro anytime....Oh, I also need a skate rail if you have an extra one kicking around.
Let me know if you have any.
MVPA #2697
43 GPW
43 CCKW (several)
M3A1 Scout Car
43 MBT
40 VC5 (2)
41 WC21
44 WC51
52 M62 (2)
53 M127
?? M105A1 (3)
?? M135
?? M35
67 M35A2 (2)
69 M52A2
?? M52A1
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