Re: [MV] Roger S. Steffen Historical Militaria

Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 16:33:14 PST

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Re: Bought military item in fall still hasn't arrived.

There is almost no option after this much time, you must call the police
department in the seller's area and inquire about the business. Maybe they
folded up, who knows until you call? All kinds of info can be obtained by
talking with the cops and possible a crime report is in order. They can
advise what kind of crime would be best to file too. If it turns into a
civil case and there is enough money involved, get a local attorney and file
on them for collection or at the very least turn them into the credit bureau
for collections. Your local state or county business fraud might be able to
help too.

I wonder why you waited this long, sure was not very prudent , I sure
wouldn't. Go after them... NOW!

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