Re: [MV] Vehicle Display Security--my opinion.

From: David (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 20:46:02 PST

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My 2 cents.. I have seen a very elegant 'roping off' setup consisting of
dummy 1903 springfields bolted to steel pots with heavy cord strung
about them. They surrounded a VERY well restored jeep, complete with
8x10 pictures of the field where the body and frame was found in.

Generally speaking, MV events, ie rallies, shows, swap meets, and car
shows are much 'safer' for vehicles than more public displays such as a
town wide parade. As the 'risk' increases proportionately with
exposure to the non-mv enthusiast public, the security should also

I guess one good thing about my M38A1s is that I hope to enter the motor
pool ready class, so scratches and small stains won't cause ulcers,
heartache and lost tempers.

Again, only my opinion.

Dave in Pa

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