Re: [MV] Rhetorical Question

From: Joe Foley (
Date: Sun Mar 05 2000 - 13:37:11 PST

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> The same scientific principle that causes toas to
> fall buttered side down...
> Ian Wallace, dropped my toast :-(
> 1960 Ferret Mk 2/3, right side up
Ok, ... so with that considered,....

IF,... a cat is dropped he lands on his feet every
time,.... right?

NOW,.... IF you were to strap buttered toast onto the
cats back,..... and you dropped him,..... what would

Well,....He'd drop to one foot above the floor and
start to spin,....

Now the question is how to hook this to a generator.

Of course,... where to hook the output shaft on the
cat is,....... well,..... not polite.

Joe F.
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