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> depends on who else is biggin,
> One tip a dmro guy gave me was to bid on one that seems to be missing little
> things like lenses, bulbs, maybe glass from the windows, seats, etc. Those
> things since they are interchangeable from 30 years worth of civilian chevy
> trucks are easy to find aftermarket, but trucks missig them seem to go for
> alot lower, like 1000-1500 maybe, or less.
and, when i finally go and get one, noone better use my tip against me!
my parents are wondring why i would want an old big cucv, when i can get a
nice newer blazer...
gee, lets see, 20 mpg @ around 1.12 for diesal, or
12 mpg @ 1.50 for unledded, and thats the cheap stuff
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