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Date: 03 April 2000 23:39
Subject: [BPark]: Stolen Enigma
>To all...
>The Crypto Simulation Group is assisting in efforts by
>The Bletchley Park Trust to recover the Abwehr Enigma
>recently stolen from the BP Museum by disseminating a
>detailed description of the machine. This effort is being
>made on behalf of and with the approval of the Trust.
>Details of the stolen machine are to be found at each of
>the following URL's:
>Geoff Sullivan: <http://www.blueangel.demon.co.uk/crypto/index.html>
>Frode Weierud: <http://home.cern.ch/~frode/crypto/index.html
>David Hamer: <http://www.eclipse.net/~dhamer/>
>Please visit one of these sites to become acquainted with the
>identifying characteristics of this rather unique example of the
>Enigma family and be particularly vigilant for any appearance of
>this machine being offered for direct sale or at auction.
>Anyone with a web page is encouraged to create a link with one
>or more of the above pages...
>David Hamer
>Geoff Sullivan
>Frode Weierud
>David Hamer The Crypto Simulation Group
>dhamer@eclipse.net http://www.eclipse.net/~dhamer
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