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Anyone wishing to use this method should be warned that lye will dissolve
aluminum. If there is any aluminum in the cooling system (like cylinder
block or branch tube) it will be damaged by the lye. Fortunately there is no
aluminum in the cooling system of a M35 so far as I am aware. Also, I am
no chemist, but if the purpose of adding baking soda is to neutralize the
action of the lye, it won't. Rinsing with water to reduce the lye
concentration works best. Thats my nickels worth on the subject.
> Problem solved! Thank you for all the advice and recommendations.
> I drained the cooling system, re-filled it with water and Red Devil
> brand drain cleaner with lye. Drained that, re-filled with water and
> baking soda. Flushed that out with clear water. The replaced radiator
> hoses (the ones I could get to) and radiator cap (NAPA 703-1422, 10
> lbs.) replaced thermostat (NAPA 358-180) made my own gasket. Refilled
> system with new anti-freeze.
> Jeff Neer
> MVPA #21271
> M-35 A-2C
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