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Been researching so as to be correct and want to use the 133rd Eng Com
Regt on my 4/42 GPW and my 44 airborne 1/2T dump trailer. IF the 133rd
was assigned to the 101st airborne would the bumper on the jeep be
marked thus:
"101(star)-133E-B-21" and the back of the trailer:
"101(star)-133E-B-22" ? OR is the 101st airborne (screaming eagle):
"101ABN-133E-B-21"? OR "(star)-133E-B-21"?
The 133rd was stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington from 16 Feb 42 thru 25
Jan 43 (this links the date of delivery of my GPW with them (similar
dates) and the "airborne 1/2T dump trailer with Engineers and Airborne
groups as it was used by them to repair runways etc.
And lastly if there is a star on the bumper in the correct order of
marking signifying Army Air Force is it another color besides white, is
it solid and is there a second star in the middle of the bumper
signifying national symbol? Any Experts know? K
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