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--- pendleto@usit.net wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version
> of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> Some of the early GMC M135 2 1/2 tons had a engine
> primer pump on them, but
> this was not carried over to the later M135/211.
> Does anyone know why the
> pumps were not put on the later trucks? Did they
> cause problems?
Yes, flooding!!
They were only on the first ones made, seems I saw
something in the 1955 manual that if there was one on
the truck it should be defeated. Mine's a '52 and it
doesn't have one, just the hole in the dash.
Yes, the Redmenace is still for sale! $3000 with a
parts truck. Canvas cargo cover, steel cab top, winch
works, new emergency brake drum and band, new steering
gear box. Yes, its RED!
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