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I built an LDS for a customer with the one hole injectors. It made gobs of
power but smoked badly. He couldn't see the cars behind him it was so bad. It
was in a M35A2 which has a more restrictive intake system but I have a M35A2
w/ a LDS and know of several M35A2s w/ LDSs and they don't smoke excessively.
I spoke w/ a dealer friend of mine that does a lot w/ five tons and he
suggested changing the injectors. He has had several customers w/ the same
problem and changing the injectors cured it. I also read in PS Magazine that
the one hole injectors had been superseded w/ the two holers for emissions.
So I changed the injectors and VOILA no smoke!
Sounds like John has too many variables.
I'll see your 4 cents and raise you a buck
66 M151A1
71 M151A2
84 M1009
86 M1009
68 M715
87 M998
84 M1010
69 M275A2
66 M35A2
73 M35A2C
69 M756A2
68 M109A3
71 M819
70 M816
84 M931
57 XM124
69 M548
69 M706E2
and too many trailers to list
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