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Jock wrote,
> Can anyone tell me what would be the correct radio to mount in my
>1951 M-37?
Whew......This is a multiple choice answer. What role? Armor unit,
Artillery unit, Infantry unit? Forward air controller? Command or standard
truck? Army or Marine? What time period?
All of these will make a difference in the radio set used in the truck.
Crass commercial......I sell the radio installation manual for the
M-37 (circa 50's to 60's) that shows most of the sets used, the
accessories, mounts, cables and how the body/racks should be drilled. Cost
is $15.00 + postage. Also have radio TM's too.....
(I gotta find some way to pay for that Aeroshell Fluid #1 my
Saladin needs!)
James T. Gilmore
2565 Wiethoff, Inkster Michigan 48141
313-5618826 (Voice)
313-730-1652 (Fax)
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