M54 registration. DONE!!

From: Damon Gentile (damonfg@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 06:26:01 PDT

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A couple of days ago, I started my tale of woe about
registering my M54 with a GVW or 39,940 pounds as
an antique.

The agents in my local office are all old bitties.
That was most of my problem. They got me really
worked up about this.

I spent the better part of a day reading the laws
and such and believe I am entitled to an antique
plate as I meet all the definitions. They insisted
that I register as commercial ($403/year!) because
of the weight.

Bottom line the weight limit forcing comemrcial
only applies to passenger & freight vehicles.
An antique registration prohibits those uses,
so that should let me go as antique.

Well back in December I paid the excise tax on the
M54 and they filled out the form with my proper
GVW. The tax form becomes the registration in
this state (Maine) and the registry agent didn't
even look at the GVW. I'm sure she would have
questioned it but I had papers to back me up.

So I spent about 30 minutes at the counter,
filling out papers and sweating. Title application
was odd for an antique though. They wanted a
papertrail back to the original owner. *BAM*
I whip out the SF-97 and solve that problem =)

$15 a year, can't beat it.
Now If I could fuel it for that price :)

-Damon (Getting ready for my company's "commute
another way" day. This is NOT what they meant!)

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