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I have two 5" section of PAP (Perforated Aluminum Planking) that I need
to clean up/restore. Not only are there a lot of OD Green splatters on
them, there's also a patina all over them, and I can't tell if this is a
coating they were given during production or if it's the product of
exposure. It looks almost like galvanization??
I thought about wire wheeling them, but I'd like to keep them as close
to their original look (not shiny, I think).
Also, I've heard that PAP was only produced during WWII, albeit in
enormous quantities. Is this true, or was there later production? This
stuff seems to be readily available in Europe, and it certainly was in
Venezuela (my native country), but I've had a very hard time finding it
in the US.
Thanks in advance!
Henry Cubillan
-- Henry J. Cubillan TLCA; AZLCA; CLCC; U4WDA 1991 FJ62 <cubillan@earthlink.net> http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=31079
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