Re: [MV] Jumpstarting

Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 04:39:02 PDT

 ---- you wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>; <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:27 AM
> Subject: Jumpstarting
> > While it is not a good idea to jump off with a higher voltage, I have
> > jumped 6 with 12 a lot by going from starter to ground and bypassing the
> > battery alltogether:
> > Like this -
> > Ign on
> > Pos to starter side of solenoid, then momentary neg to frame ground
> (usually
> > takes two people, one at the steering wheel of the vehicle being started
> for
> > some miniscule amount of safety) This does not work with manually
> activated
> > (foot) starters.
> > This spins the engine up without shockcharging the battery. No, it's not
> the
> > best way, but it definitely is better than battery to battery stuff.
> >
> Mike suggests here a way to certainly get round the problem, however, you
> need to be entirely sure and competent about what is to be done.
> I had a private post from my namesake in the US referring to an acquaintance
> with only one eye now after jump-starting a 6V with a 12V vehicle. Be
> warned.
> Richard
> Southampton - England

I also know someone who lost an eye due to an exploding 12v battery. He was connecting a 12v battery charger when it exploded. I should have mentioned that you should never attach both jumper cables to the batteries, regardless of voltage. The last connection should always be to chassis ground. This gets confusing when you try to jump a positive ground vehicle with a negative ground vehicle. Many older English cars are positive ground. I guess this goes along with driving on the left side of the road. Many thanks for your observations, the last thing any of us want is someone getting hurt.

Dave Fillman
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