To All:
My brother and I have spent probably six months out of twelve in the former
Soviet Union since 1991. That's almost 5 years.
I'd like to believe that this guy is real, and he has access to what he says.
I beg all on the list to be careful.
The numbers of westerners who have come to the Former Soviet Union to buy WW
II relics is legion. Many came with suitcases of cash and were never seen
My brother and I were in the Airplane business in the early 90's. Despite
paying millions (and I mean millions) of dollars, invariably export documents
were always one step away from being available. We still own airplanes that
can't leave the region.
I've searched the earth for WW II US equipment over there. From what I've
been able to learn, Stalin went out of his way to destroy any evidence that
the USA might have helped the Soviet Union.
Again, I hope that this guy's offer is real.
At the same time, I speak from VERY REAL experience when I encourage all to
be careful. Westerners are robbed and killed on a regular basis over in the
Former Soviet Union. I would never give them a dime until the equipment is
here in the US.
Remember, you can't ride around in ownership documents. I've got some cheap
airplanes for sale! Helicopters too!
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