Hi. Just chiming in, here. I've picked my son and his neighborhood
friends up at the school bus stop more than once. It's always a hit. My
son (13) comes bounding off the bus with the other kids in tow, asking
if he can drive. I say 'yes', and he tosses books, trombone, etc in the
back with the other kids, and then climbs in the front hatch of the
Saracen, fires it up, and we take off, down the dirt road. The bus
driver waited and watched all of this, as did the rest of the bus-load
of kids. We let kids off at their houses and head home. These are
private roads, so no license required.
I'm always right next to him, and can lock up the brakes and steer,
if necessary. For those new to the list, a Saracen weighs 20,000 pounds,
has 6 rubber wheels, a turret, and can carry a crew of two, plus 10
We showed up at a neighbor kid's birthday party, today. It was a
surprise. We gave everyone rides. The kids were all about 7 years old.
Loved it. Maybe in an earlier life, this APC lead a more somber
existance, but today, in it's retirement years, it beams with pride, and
spreads good cheer. Quite the contrast, really. Jim
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