Dirk Grosser wrote and Andreas Mehlhorn answered:
> I am in the process of restoring a 1941 BMW R75 Wehrmachtsgespann, and
> looking for fellow owners of Wehrmachtskraedern in the US/Canada.
> Does anyone know of a paint source in the US for either "Wehrmachtsgrau"
> RAL 7021, or "Wehrmachtsbeige" (Not Afrikabeige, RAL 8000!). Did anyone
> attemptet to have these colors mixed, and might have a recepie?
If your bike is from 1941 and was not used in Africa, Panzergrau RAL 7021
is the correct colour. This grey was used till spring 1943 for all vehicles
in the european theatre.
Why don't you go to a good paint shop and buy a pot of RAL 7021 paint?
This is no problem here in Germany, every paint shop sells paint with the
RAL numbers. (RAL = Reichausschuß für Lieberbedingungen = Reichs board for
trading terms). The RAL system is still in use here.
I think that good paint shops can "translate" the RAL number to another
colour system.
For our MVs we prefer a special one component coating, which is used for
sea containers. It is dull, and it is primer and paint in one. It is sea
water resistant. It is the ideal paint for MVs. It is produced by a
comapany in Hamburg. Costs DM 25,- per kilogram (= $ 12) The only problem:
You have to buy 6 kg minimum.
Best regards from Germany (Home of the RAL colours)
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