Re: [MV] 3 KW Genset

From: Joe Foley (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 14:08:12 PDT

--- wrote:
> Anyone have some hints as to how to use the 3KW
> genset in 220 1phase mode?
> It works fine from the convenience outlets, but with
> the loads on L1 and L2,
> and the neutral on L0, any 110 load on the panel
> doesnt work.
> In fact, it causes the voltage on one hot to double
> to 220.
> Is L0 really a neutral or am I reading the schematic
> wrong?
> thanks in advance.

Consult with an electrician.

But until you can do that.......

Have you familiarized yourself with the big drum
switch inside the control panel?

The MEP-016 doesn't do 120/220. It does EITHER 120 OR

Use a voltmeter to verify any hook up before smoking
the load.


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