ok, I must speak up.
The following is a example of what politial stuff should be on this list:
Al Gore is against milrtary/off-road/polluting,/collectable vehicles.
in his "blah blah blah" bill. Write your congressman/senetor and tel him/her
you oppose it.
The following is a example of what should not be on here:
>Virtually anyone can be a Democrat
>Virtually anyone can be a Democrat. Just simply quit thinking and vote
>that way. But if you want to be a GOOD Democrat, there are some
>prerequisites you must have first. Compare the below and see how you
Please, just because this server is not moderated does not mean we can speak
out minds on it. I get enough crap in my email already. I dont mind
opinions, or mentioning things that pertain to our hobby, even its very
remotly. but when it comes to politics, i must draw the line.
Also, keep in mind that this list is worldwide, I dont think our neighbors
above and belwo, or accross the pond want to hear about our politics, unless
it pertains to the hobby, like in the example above.
thanks for listening.
(pulled his jeep cherokee out with the M1009, love that thing!)
-- Jaime Ponce de Leon EMT-A TAMSAR El Paso County poncedel.jaime@tamsar.el-paso.tx.us http://tamsar.el-paso.tx.us Pgr: (915) 205 - 0618 Dispatch (915)256-8468
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