Thanks for your comments. They are well though out and appreciated. I can
tell you that presently I am buying on behalf of some very serious
collectors/dealers as we speak. Therefore, the building of the reputation in
this business is commencing forthwith.
I do understand that not all are interested in dealing with "the new guy on
the block". However the ones that are will benefit from good pricing and
customer loyality. All can see that this is 200 % legit and that there is no
bribes, black marketeering, mafia or the like. I can assure that I will
support the ones who are and will support me. This especially holds true
when the unique items come available.
As I have said from the beginning, I do not expect anyone to expidite funds
to Ukraine, Russia or Armenia. We have a system that has worked to date that
protects us as well as the prospective buyer.
Thanks and stay in touch.
Mark Zurevinsky
for MAZ
FYI. posted to the list for all interested members
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