----- Original Message -----
From: <LEEnCALIF@aol.com>
To: "Military Vehicles List" <mil-veh@skylee.com>
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] flags...
> (Union flag vs Union Jack) ... I suggest the correct usage depends on
> you are... comes under the "when in Rome" theory.
Absolutely, asking for a packet of fags in a US convenience store causes
some consternation.
> So the term "Union Jack" was a faux paux... a misused term? Thought it
> in the catagory of Old Glory, Stars and Stripes, etc.
This is a good start in vexillology (:-o) to understand the historical
naming of the Union Flag as it is a superimposition of the countries making
up the UK, look at:
> If that is the case, I'll would venture to say that British guy new the
> difference, but when addressing an American teenager....he spoke in terms
> young lad would understand. In this region, full of civil war reinactors
> Union flag has a whole different meaning, just ask any Reb....lol.
Yes. . . . . . . .I see the problem.
All post war MVs that could be under NATO/UN control will carry to this day
a small (say, 4" x 2") stick-on Union Flag front and rear, be it a LR,
Ferret, Chieftain or Challenger; I have a spec here somewhere if anyone
needs the definitive data.
The problem is getting the thing the right way up as any national flag
upside down is an international maritime signal of distress. With a
stick-on assume the imaginary flag-pole is on the left as looking at it so
the wider white segments, fimbrations, (learning some new words today, eh ?)
are towards the top at the left.
Southampton - England
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