Naval museum

Date: Sat Jul 01 2000 - 06:01:15 PDT

Someone just e-mailed me about the Battleship Missouri, I think you're right.
Maybe it's the Iowa that's staying in Newport. I know the Missouri was there
for quite a while,but they would'nt let us on her. She really belongs at
Pearl where it all started. It's hard to keep track of what's going on with
the navy,they are as bad off as before WWII. Skeleton crews,very low moral
and no funds. George Jr has a lot of work ahead of him. I see more ships
tied up, than out on patrol things have to change--Remember Pearl Harbor--it
could happen again. Best wishes to all.

Mike in Plymouth,Ma.
MVPA # 20487
1969 Kaiser M-35A2C

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