Hi everyone
Can you help please?
I have been searching for info on and sources of a MAN high mobility
4x4, about 7.5 ton GVW, maybe more. I believe that it is called a CAT-1.
It has an almost square cab with the typical MAN angular cut-away
section at the front bottom of the cab to improve the approach angle.
There is no specification info on the net, the closest that I can get to
a MAN 4x4 is on current commercial 4x4 (2000 series), 6x6 and 8x8.
Any info/experience appreciated, and particularly if you can help with
european dealers or sources of surplus vehicles.
I may have found one of these vehicles (maybe, I haven't seen it yet,
the info offered over the phone was a little sketch) but it's rather
I can e-mail a small picture of one to anyone who cares to see it,
please e-mail me directly.
thanks for any help you might be able to give me
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