.I was sent this by one of the list members who was having trouble
posting to the mil-veh list. He thought it might be of interest to some
of you who don't follow the GSA Sales.
Mike in Iowa
Just got a flyer in the mail today GSA auction
Haslett, Michigan July 18, 2000 Tuesday.
10:00 am auction, inspection 8:00 to 10:00 that day, and=20
8:00 to 4:00 Monday the day before auction.
Ken Alto custodian 517-675-5111
Included are the following Military vehicles, conditions unknown:
M725 1967
M882 1977
M37 1953
M880 1977
M880 1977
M882 1977
M38A1 1952
M880 1977
M37 1953
M882 1977
M880 1977
M38A1 1952
M880 1977
M1009 1985
M170 1973 (did they make these that late??)
M880 1975
M880 1976
M880 1976
M1009 1985
M135 1952
M880 1977
M880 1976
M880 1977
M43 1952
M885 1977
M880 1977
M38 1951
Maybe bout 5 or so Military trailers, M100
Other vehicles, and engines, misc things, 61 lots total.
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