This is a weird one

Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 14:49:00 PDT

What the heck could it be???????

I've been experiencing a tendancy for the transmission to slip in gear, the
more it's driven, the more likely it is to begin to slip, starting in the
lower gear ranges first.
When I say slip it's not enough to damage anything, it barely starts to break
free and I stop it right there.. 1-2 sec start of a spin. I back off the
throttle immediately and then changing out of the lower gear and slowly
moving forward in the next higher gear that is still holding.

I first noticed that it tended to let go (slip just a tad) coming back from a
local event and had to limp in on two gears the 2nd and 3rd being so prone to
letting go, used 4th-5th so I would not burn up a band. It was flat ground
and I treated it extremely gently, moving forward slowly on the start. Days
later it seems fine upon the next start. I went thru the drill of pumping
the clutch and shifting in the gears, tightening the bands. Seemed fine as
if it fixed itself.

Then as it warmed up, the tranny began to slip in the lower gears, not at all
in the higher gears. I was driving around yesterday and noticed it start to
slip again, so I continued on a few miles and then tried 1st and 2nd gear and
there was no 1st and 2nd! Might as well have been in nuetral. Used higher
gears to limp it in again.

I'm wondering if the fluid coupler isn't heating up somehow causing it to
slip? I recently checked and the fluid level was fine in the coupler. I
will be checking it later on today... have to remove the radio gear by myself
(90lbs up thru the hatch and out), kind of a pain to do that just to check
the coupler!

So while I am at it, anything else it could be? Any suggestions at this
point are truly welcome!

GEARS AND TRANSFER BOX: I noticed the fluid levels in the gear box and
transfer case were down a pint or more each. Will top those off too. Surely
that could not cause the slippage, could it?

FLUID COUPLER: If I have to add any fluid to the fluid coupler what was the
fluid we decided on? This thread went on and on and had no conclusive end
last time we talked. Hoped by now we have come to some agreement on the
proper fluid.

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