In a message dated 8/2/00 9:33:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< Hi List
I am not a lawyer by any means and wading through all the legalese is time
consuming, but what I have come up with is as follows:
1. Rep. Floyd Spence of SC filed a bill along with other sponsors in the
House Armed Services Comm. for the regular DOD appropriations for
Within H4205 is Title III, Subtitle G, Sec. 361 et al. To read it for
yourself go to and click legislation, enter H4205 and look
through it. The easiest version to look through is version 2.
Glenn Shaw MVPA >>
Hi Glen, thanks for the heads up on this bill and I totally agree it would be
an outraged if it is as you have stated.
However, I just visited Floyd Spences web site and also the Congressional web
site and I looked up the bill. First, it is H.R. 4205. All bills from the
house are designed with an H.R. before the number. Next, and under Title
III. This is an appropriations section and there is no subtitle G, section
361 that I could find?
Here is the index, this is all that I have to go by, please check for
Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 301. Operation and Maintenance Funding.
Sec. 302. Working Capital Funds.
Sec. 303. Armed Forces Retirement Home.
Sec. 304. Transfers from the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund.
Subtitle B--Environmental Provisions
Sec. 311. Reimbursement for Certain Costs in Connection with the Former
Nansemond Ordnance Depot Site, in Suffolk, Virginia.
Sec. 312. Payment of Fines or Penalties Imposed for Environmental Violations.
Subtitle C--Other Matters
Sec. 321. Reimbursement by Civil Air Carriers for Support Provided at
Johnston Atoll.
Sec. 322. Use of Excess Titanium Sponge in the National Defense Stockpile for
Manufacturing Department of Defense Equipment.
Sec. 323. Clarification and Extension of Pilot Program for Acceptance and Use
of Landing Fees Charged for Use of Domestic Military Airfields by Civil
Sec. 324. Economic Distribution of Distilled Spirits.
I scanned through the whole bill and didn't see anything remotely like what
you are saying. I'm not saying it is not there, I am just saying I didn't
see it and the numbers you provided do not seem to match up to anything in
the bill I reviewed. Maybe there is a later version out that is not
posted... I have no idea? I didn't see it.
I will contact my Congressman today and see what the status is of H.R. 4205
and if he has heard of any last minute ammendments such as you have stated.
It is hard for me to believe a Republican controlled congress would tolerate
such an outrage, let alone have a Republican author such.
It sure doesn't fit with this guys back ground either, ex-Navy officer...
check this out:
Congressman Spence received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from The
Citadel on May 13, 1995. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Public
Service from The University of South Carolina on August 12, 1995. On
September 3, 1996, the Floyd Spence Wing of the Lexington Medical Center
Extended Care facility was dedicated in his honor. On November 4, 1996, the
Congressman Floyd D. Spence United States Army Reserve Center was dedicated
in his honor at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The Spence Center for
Composites Technology, in West Columbia, South Carolina, was named in honor
of Congressman Spence on May 22, 1999.
Among the numerous awards which have been received by Congressman Spence are:
"Legislator of the Year - 1998" and "Distinguished Service Award" - Senior
Army Reserve Commanders Association; "1998 Distinguished Recognition Award" -
United States Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol; "Super Friend of Seniors"
- 60-Plus Association; "Friend of the Taxpayer Award"- Americans for Tax
Reform; "Gold Patrick Henry Medallion for Patriotic Achievement" - The
Military Order of the World Wars; "CAP Leadership Award" - Civil Air Patrol;
"1996-1997 Department Service Award" - Disabled American Veterans; "National
Patriot's Award" - Congressional Medal of Honor Society of the United States;
"The VFW Congressional Award for 1996" - Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States; "President's Leadership Award" - The Citadel Club of Greater
Washington; "1996 National Minuteman of the Year" - Reserve Officers
Association of the United States; "Distinguished American Award" - Nation's
Capital Chapter of the Air Force Association of the United States; "1995
Reserve Officer of the Year Award" - Department of South Carolina Reserve
Officers Association of the United States; "Meritorious Service Medal" -
State of South Carolina Military Department; "The Spirit of Enterprise Award"
- United States Chamber of Commerce; "NCOA L. Mendel Rivers Legislative
Leadership Award" - Non Commissioned Officers Association; "The Award for
Distinguished Service" - The Association of the United States Army; "Guardian
of Medicare Award" - United Senior's Association, Incorporated; "National
President's Award" - Naval Reserve Association; "1994 National Security
Leadership Award" - National Security Caucus; "Vanguard Award" - Commissioned
Officers Association; "Kappa Alpha Order Public Service Award" - Kappa Alpha
Order; and "National Security Leadership Award" - American Security Council
I will let you know when I find out. I would also urge you or anyone to do
more follow up. If somebody lives in S.C. they should call Spence and ask
about this ASAP. We need the right information if we are to deal with this
threat effective, if it truly is a real part of this bill.
Jack Lee,
an indebted bond servant
The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia
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