This is my first post and I don't know if I am covering ground which has
been covered before and if I have, excuse me.
I only recently got into MVs w/my M37 and working on getting a half-track
so I do have a vested interest here.
I read HR4205 and have some thoughts/suggestions.
First, every law must have a "legislative intent", that is to say, a
statement someplace as to why the law is being passed. Why is it needed?
So first, I would contact the author of the law and ask him his reason(s)
for inclusion of the demil portion of the bill. How does this portion of
the bill serve our national interest?
I'm the first to agree certain types of weapons should not be in civilian
hands. Heck, a year or so ago I saw a bank robbery here (North Hollywood,
Ca) where the bad guys had more and better firepower than the cops. But
we're not talking about guns here, we're talking mostly vehicles. So let's
find out what the government wants to accomplish and see if there isn't a
better way to accomplish it. I mean, what's going to happen? If some Joe
who has spent mega-bucks doesn't want to give up his '42 Jeep, are we going
to have another Waco? Let's get real government.
Also, in reading the law I see no room for exemptions and/or appeals. Does
this mean the movie studios and police departments have to demil or give
back the items they have? I think not. If the movie studios and police
departments are going to be exempt, don't we have an "equal protection"
problem here? Should a movie studio have more rights than I do?
Anyway, my bottom line is we need to contact the author of the bill and
find out his reasoning and then intelligently respond to him and our
individual representatives at the Federal level. Remember, talking,
griping, etc. here does nothing but make us feel better (or worse as the
case may be), it's taking our strength as voters directly the the people
who (are suposto) represent us and tell then what we want.
Anyway, that's my 2mm worth.
Thanks for the bandwith.
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