Just in case some of you are unaware...
There is an entire TM on the official methods and requirements of U.S.
demilling. I have seen it, I do NOT have the number so don't ask please.
Also, I have been instructed onte correct, proper demilling procedure
and see the results.
They include, but are not limited to;
*Welding EVERY nut and bolt on the equipment if it ever carried (or is)
a weapon.
* Welding shut all doors, hatches, covers, hoods, lug nuts, hinges,
etc., etc.
* Torch cutting a hole in the engine block (after draining all fluids
into an approved container).
* Torch cutting a hole in the transmission (after draining to spec.)
* Welding axles, drive sprockets, etc. ( this is allowed to be done
after the "equipment" is in it's final resting place if it's heavy to
I just wasn't sure some of you folks realized how serious this is. You
are left with a solid chunk of steel, with alot of holes in it. I have
seen all of the above first hand. You's got scrap when you's done.
(PS - Yes, this includes your M-1 Garand)
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