--- Charles Green <ewynn26@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Has anyone seen this auction on ebay. The seller
> states he / she has a
> REAL Tiger II for sale. They're located in Europe,
> but does anyone know
> of this Tiger for sale in Poland?? If you're
> interested the item number
> is (401581130). I haven't e-mailed the bidder, but
> I believe I may out
> of curiosity. Just thought I'd share this info.
Oh, my. I wonder if this would fall into the same
catagory as that Soviet submarine and the sale of a
Soviet jet fighter ( I can't find the PDF file I made
of the auction...MiG-29 I think it was...or an Su-27
)? Not saying it isn't possible. Would have been nice
if there was a photo or two. Maybe thats to hide
something concerning the condition.
Do keep us up on this, would be nice it was legit.
Kinda wish I had the big bucks to drop ( current bid
at $305? ).
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