Lets All Call

From: Thomas Gould (ARMOR-1@webtv.net)
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 09:02:24 PDT

Should a "short list", of some sort, be compiled, consisting of names,
titles, telehone numbers, legislation "description" and email addresses
of some "key" political people we, on the list, should be contacting to
voice our DISAPPROVAL of this potential legislation???

If so, I think we should be extra polite, to the point and brief, but...
lets give them a 100+ telephone calls / emails RIGHT AWAY.

I know that the numbers and email addresses of some have already been
posted, but I have webtv and cannot retrieve them.

Do you folks think that maybe we should post this "call list" to our
site, every other day, for a week or two as a reminder???

If the "numbers" were right in front of us, maybe more listers would
pick up the phone / send the email, etc. And, be polite...


(I only posted this to get my "I'm on vacation" message from "Brian")

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