Man, are you guys trying to really get something going here! Just tell
southerners that the them Yankees are up to something sneaky about their
historical relics from that unforgotten adventure. You're going to have a
whole passel of p****d off confederates on your hands!
Just the suggestion, no facts or nothing, and they'll be up in arms again!
We just need a good excuse. The civil war reenactors just might quit
shooting blanks, and retake Gettysburg. They might even go for DC. No,
they wouldn't want it. We'd have to have a southern capitol again.
Just kidding, no insults intended to the civil war supporters, either side.
By the way, I'm in ALABAMA, the HEART of DIXIE!
The bad part is that this mess was started by a 'southerner from South
Carolina'. Hey, maybe he's making his move on the Yankees first! Just a
John Doherty
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