Re: [MV] Fw: Krause and Mil Veh Mag

From: Joe Foley (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 07:11:53 PDT

--- Lisa <> wrote:
> > <snip> SO someone would have to read all
> legislation coming before congress!!
> > I pity the person attempting this feat.
> Uh, yeah, just think, this is what our legislators
> have (are supposed) to do.
> How do they manage to wade through all the crap? I
> was astounded when I read
> HR4205. Just how are we supposed to handle all these
> laws? Who can possibly keep
> up with them all? Amazing!
You win the prize!!

You just found out what goes on in the legislatures of
all states and the federal gov't!!!!

Each law says "...that it has been read twice and is
now being passed.... ". Now how can each legislator
read each bill and decide what is passable and what is
a conflict whith the Constitution?



They don't even write the bills anymore, they have a
company do it for them.

They don't check for conflicts with the Constitution,
they just pass it and wait for it to go through the
court system, which can take 10 years or more, if it
gets done at all. And the ONLY way to challenge a
law is to break it to get it started through the court
system, how much will that cost?

These have to be stopped at the start! The
legislators have to know what they're passing and stop
what isn't good but that means they have to READ


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