At 08.57 09/08/00 +0700, GAVIN wrote:
>I was being sarcastic about the pictures - no-one has bothered posting pics
>for vehicles like my Mutt etc.
>I don't know how I missed you - I visited the MLU site at least once every
>day. Next year we'll make a point of it, eh?
>Good to hear from you and stay in touch.
>Best regards
Aug 10 2000
Really! Next year we shall have a more firm rendezvous!
There was a MUTT with a 106 mm.(I think?) recoilless
rifle. Did you see it? I have also seen a camouflaged MUTT.
Raimondo - M.V.P.A. 15878 & I.M.P.S. 2320
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