From: Ron (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 18:04:47 PDT

Hi Again:
    I have received approx 15 direct and 2 via list "don't works", and the
rule of thumb of complaints would tend to indicate that this means about 170
couldn't make it in, but as of 2038 EDT have had 544 hits on this album. So
I will post the instructions again.

        Ron's albums at:

1) (Main page)

 2) On left side of page about 1/3 down

         Go to " visit albums" and type in the user name/Email box

3) Click on "Visit"

4) At " Album List for rojoha" click on "VCS" (or any other album)

    I just tried these instructions as you would, and they worked. Their are
presently 453 MV related images in the various albums.(and 1 MV related
photo in one of the other albums, but ya gotta look real close to find it. A
challenge for you photo analyst types. If ya think ya got it, leave the
answer in the guest book. Earliest time stamp wins an all expense paid, one
way trip to... well we could tell ya but, you know the rest. CIA is now
hiring ;-p )

Again, if you or any of your force are captured, the Secretary will disavow
any knowledge of your actions and have your computer demil'ed along with any
other green items in your possession (John Deere equipment excluded for
now...but you could put a MG pintle in the cup holder. wink, wink ,nudge,
nudge, don't ya know...). Good Luck

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