Re: [MV] Avis Saracen Mk 6 APC Engine Performanance Question (FWD)

From: Andrew Jeffery (
Date: Fri Aug 11 2000 - 15:16:35 PDT

>Hi fellow readers of the mil-veh list:
How do.

>I am looking for input on improving the performance of a B80 petrol >Rolls Royce engine.
If you travel less than 20 miles, don't expect much more than 3.5 mpg
20 to 50 miles you should get around 4 mpg
50 miles and above should return around 5.5 mpg.

>I have a 1970 Avis Saracen Mk6 APC with only 900+ miles logged. It
runs >a little hot and I am wondering what I can do to improve its
performance. > As of this date, we have flushed the radiator, put on
new hoses and >belts, and added a new thermostat.
Just because the vhiecal has done only 900 miles dose not mean the engine
is little used. My Sarrecen had 3 engine changes in its life. There fore
the engine could have been used in another vhiecal.
Your cooling should be reverse flow. It sucks air in the chimney pot
type things ontop of the engine compartment and pushes it out though
the front of the radiator. You should have a cowling infront of the
radiator to force the hot air to the sides. Between the cowl and
radiator at the bottom there should be a pice of thick rubber, if
this is not fitted you will get cold air trying to enter the radiator
from the front.
Check the exuste conections, especaly where the 'Y' section joines
the manifold sections. Any leeks and you'll be having hot exuste
gasses passing through the radiator. I've had that problem. Also, if
there are any leeks in the exuste side of the engine it won't run
efficanty, and generaly over heats.

>I would appreciate any suggestions that the mil-veh readers may have.

>It is licensed and I do drive it on the road at lease once a week.
It is >driven at 35 mph and 3000 rpm as a max setting. Any
assistance that can >be provide will be greatly appreciated.
I average around 1000 miles per year in mine, this weekend its oil
change and servace for the trip up to the Dorset Steam Fair. Were
takeing both Sarracen and Saladin, a trip thats around 400 miles. All
I'm hopeing is that my credit card can handle the fuel bills......

How beautifull it is to do nothing,
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and then to rest afterwards. Go to area 1:11,
Andrew's Adventures - Saracen and Saladin.
ICQ Number 41577750

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