Sherman Tank Transmission

From: Ian Wallace (
Date: Fri Aug 11 2000 - 21:21:44 PDT

List - I took the Ferret out tonight to a very small show 'n shine basically
for cars. While I was there (and surrounded by the curious as usual), a
fellow came up to me and related this tale.

About thirty years ago he and another chap got hold of a "Sherman tank
engine and transmission" (he thinks). The engine and transmission were
attached, and they only wanted to use the engine. It was from a surplus
place that I remember here in Seattle - they even sold "Dragon Wagons", the
PACCAR monsters. Anyway, this transmission has bee sitting at this guys
house for all these years, and he wondered if anyone would be interested in
it! He said he didn't want to have it hauled away as scrap (aghhhh...).

I told him that I would post some basic info and if someone was interested
I would pass along his phone number. He's here in Seattle. I could, if
necessary, go over and see if there are tags and/or numbers on anything. He
saved the wooden packing crate it was in, and there may be numbers on that
as well.

So if someone is interested, I would need to know a) what a Sherman
transmission looks like, b) any numbers or other identifying features that
would help ID the thing, and c) who I should put in contact with the current

This transmission is supposedly new as was the engine attached to it. That's
all I know at the present.

Ian Wallace, Seattle, Washington USA
MVPA #20862
1960 Ferret Mk 2/3

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