Just trying to get a little perspective on this issue - buy the way Robin, I
totally agree!
Is there anything in the 'Rules' of either the MVCG or MVPA about wearing of
uniforms, proper atire, dress code etc? Personally I'm not a member, as I
don't own a Jeep.
All I have heard about are various show rules re restrictions on 'Enemy'
regalia, which is a little hypocritical, firstly as it's not the 'Military
Badge, Belt and Buckle Ass'n" and secondly, history is history so if the
appropriate uniform is ok with all the 'General's Jeeps and Command car's,
why not Desert Rat's kit with a German whatever???.
Don't get me wrong, I do not condone the Jack booted thugs 'getting of' on
wearing SS uniforms because they are prejudiced wanna be's, or that I'm not
patriotic (which ever side of the atlantic I choose to wear my heart) but for
the sake of getting things right, as I assume the idea of preserving vehicles
is to perpetuate memories or display authenticity, with or without uniforms.
Personally, I feel the best place for a uniform is in a museum or on a
manikin standing in a dstatic display, with the exception of the re-enactors
who tend to be young and have the right size uniform.
At the Aberdeen show this year, the MVPA 'score card' had a box for judging
the uniform.....??????? (I'm assuming this is a standard thing.) I was no
where near my vehicle when it was judged and didn't want to be unless the
'Judge' had a vehicle related question, so does this mean my vehicle would
have been marked down as I didn't have the right piece of green on?
PS, there doesn't appear to be any contradicting oppinions voiced to the
original 'wierd things...' posting. I guess all the overweight generals are
keeping quiet...
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