Re: [MV] weird things... vehicles and uniforms

From: Jon Shoop (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 08:30:37 PDT

I'll second that.


At 08:59 AM 8/15/00 -0600, you wrote:
> here is my reply to all this dribble...and I do mean dribble.
>First off..I was born before the big know World War Two.
>I was in the Army and the Navy..."ours"..United States.
>I earned the right to wear any uniformI darn well please. I do wear them to
>gun shows and to Military vehicle shindigs. I have won "Second" Place at the
>Great Western Gun Show wearing a Nazi Major's Uniform. Was beat out by a
>guy dressed like Patton. Good clean fun. So what ! It is none of any of
>your business what a person wears to the shows...UNLESS he is trying to
>promote some idiotic thing like the skin heads .. As long as the uniforn is
>clean and looks promotes respect and education for the folks
>visiting the show. It actually brings them back to see what will be there
>next time. I know..been there and done that. Now get on with the Military
>Vehicle business..1SG PANTANO
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