Truck stops have better prices on truck equipment -than NAPA. Also look
up a truck parts supplier in your area-they are retail and
wholesale.....they are much cheaper than anyone and will order anything
prepaid at jobber pricing. They have catalogs and computer programs
micro-fish and online catalogs with more stuff than a guy would need for
many military vehicles......remember that many things are in the
civilian market that are used in the military vehicles. Only not painted
O.D.....I just got a old cataloge of lites and reflectors and stuff like
that and quite few military reflectors and lites are listed under
different code numbers and are painted another color or chrome plated
or"civyized" in some other way. Reflector tape comes in a kit with
alternating colors red and white folded flat not on a roll 1.5 inches by
62 feet for $27.95 ---I believe it is "SCOTCH" Brand but might be 3M
Brand-I threw the package out-Duh! already....The magnetic sign stuff is
available at any sign shops by the foot for about $16.00 retail. If you
sweet talk the bimbo behind the counter the scraps are free....give her
a $5 for the trouble....her cell phone number is 607-2442 ask for
Laquisha.....Dudes-you are on your own-be sure to look at the tattoos
on her back-No military tattoos though....I think she is Viet Nam era
though...hard to tell with out my glasses in the dark...geof
'92 Dodge Diesel -'72 AMG 6X6 Deuce -'97 454/425 Pathmaker
Airboat-'87 BAJA Fish and Ski and more time/money/toys than I know what
to do with....Ain't America Great!!!
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