Overwidth Problem

From: Thomas Gould (ARMOR-1@webtv.net)
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 16:58:34 PDT

It was with great excitement and anticipation, that I was looking
forward to the purchase of a "new" M series military cargo truck.

My bubble was popped upon being advised that any vehicle over 96"
wide... is overwidth and requires a permit any time you move it.

Well, I immediately came to the conclusion that this sucks and looked in
one of my specification books, only to find that more than HALF of the
most common cargo trucks, incuding the 2-1/2T M35A2 are legally well
overwidth and illegal without getting a permit each time I would want to
drive it.

I'm in New York and the polite State Police advised me, very clearly,
that 96" maximum width was pretty well standard across the U.S.

Somebody please comment on this major f___ upset.


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